Body Lift
A body lift improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. Excess sagging fat and skin are removed, and the procedure(s) can improve a dimpled, irregular skin surface, which is commonly known as cellulite.

A body lift may include these areas:
Abdominal Area
locally or extending around the sides and into the lower back area
That may be low, flat or shaped unevenly
That may sag into inner thigh.
The inner, outer, or posterior thigh, or the thigh’s circumference
Aging, sun damage, pregnancy, significant fluctuations in weight, and genetic factors may contribute to poor tissue elasticity that can result in sagging of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
Body lifts are not intended strictly for the removal of excess fat. Liposuction alone can remove excess fat deposits where skin has good elasticity and is able to naturally conform to new body contours. In cases where skin elasticity is poor, a combination of liposuction and body lift techniques may be recommended.
- Drains will remain in place until output is less that 30cc in a 24 hour period for each drain
- Pain pump should last 2-3 days following surgery, you will also have prescription pain medication to take by mouth
- Leave all dressings intact and girdle/garment in place until post-operative appointment
- No shower until 24 hours following removal of drains.
- No bath or swimming for 4 weeks following procedure.
- No exertional activity until after drains are removed, no abdominal exercise for 4 weeks
- May resume driving once you have discontinued using the prescription pain medications
- Post-operative appointment will be scheduled for 1 week following surgery, all sutures are internal and do not need to be removed.
- Sleep with head elevated for 2 weeks.
- Drink plenty of water and have stool softeners such as Colace available as pain medications can cause constipation.

Schedule a consult
Not sure what treatment is right for you? Schedule a consult with our experianced staff and we will help you determine which treatment is right for you.