Overly large breasts can cause some women to have both health and emotional problems. In addition to self image issues, you may also experience physical pain and discomfort. The weight of excess breast tissue can impair your ability to lead an active life. The emotional discomfort and self-consciousness often associated with having large pendulous breasts is as important an issue to many women as the physical discomfort and pain.
Also known as reduction mammaplasty, breast reduction surgery removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts.

- Must wear post-op bra continuously until seen for post-op appointment.
- We will see you back in the office at 1 week
- No lifting over 10 pounds for 4 weeks
- Minimize raising arms above shoulders for 2 weeks following surgery
- Leave all post-operative dressings intact, they will be changed at your post-operative appointment.
- No shower until discussed at post-operative appointment
- No exertional activity or activities that may cause trauma to the chest (i.e. boating) for at least 2 weeks.
- No swimming or baths for 4 weeks
- May resume driving once you have discontinued using the prescription pain medication.
- Drink plenty of water and have stool softeners available such as Colace, as pain medication can cause constipation.

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