There are two basic breast reconstructive procedures: tissue expansion with implants and flap reconstruction.
Tissue expansion followed by implants is the most common procedure. Tissue expanders are like balloons. They are placed beneath your skin and chest muscle following your mastectomy. During the next several months, Dr. Huang will gradually fill them with a saltwater solution. This will cause them to expand. Once the skin over the breast area has stretched enough, the expander will be removed and replaced with a permanent implant. Implants have the most realistic feel of all reconstructive procedures.

Flap reconstruction uses tissue taken from other parts of the body to create a flap. The tissue is usually taken from the abdomen, the back or the buttocks. Regardless of which type of flap procedure you and Dr. Huang choose, this type of reconstruction is more complex than tissue expansion. However, the results can be more natural when your new breast is created entirely from your own tissue.
- Must wear post-op bra continuously until seen for post-op appointment.
- We will see you back in the office at 1 week
- No lifting over 10 pounds for 4 weeks
- Minimize raising arms above shoulders for 2 weeks following surgery
- Leave all post-operative dressings intact, they will be changed at your post-operative appointment.
- No shower until discussed at post-operative appointment
- No exertional activity or activities that may cause trauma to the chest (i.e. boating) for at least 2 weeks.
- No swimming or baths for 4 weeks
- May resume driving once you have discontinued using the prescription pain medication.
- Drink plenty of water and have stool softeners available such as Colace, as pain medication can cause constipation.

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